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Saturday, 1 December 2007

Another big desc... Here's the video link



As the worms died, they burst and released smaller ones. Chise quickly disposed of them. As more worms showed up, she decided to fly around and look for Shuji, despite her injured state. Among the chaos, Chise found Shuji, the monsters were closing in on him. She flew in and took out as many as she could without getting Shuji in the crossfire. Her attempts were futile, as they kept coming, what seemed like three taking the place of one that died. One of the worms spewed forth vomit, engulfing Chise and sending her flying.

Shuji: Chise..! CHISE!

Shuji rushed to Chise, holding her. Panting from over exertion, Chise began to speak.

Chise: Shu-Chan... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

Chise then began to sob uncontrolably. Even Shuji's memory would eventually die off she now felt. She also felt it was all her fault that the creatures appeared. Shuji then hugged Chise, attempting to comfort her, tears streaking from his eyes. The last thing Chise remembered before blacking out was Shuji's warmth and the worms tearing at her.


David was patrolling the town, acompanied by Alty and Cell. They were looking for secret police or cult members to fight.

Cell: I still don't understand why, or even how, your organization welded up my tail. I wasn't going to absorb any of you guys.

David: That is not what concerns me. What concerns me was the idea of you absorbing random people. Adam and Eve is about enhancing man-kind's evolution, and what would there to be enhanced if all of man-kind is absorbed by you?

Cell: Okay, fine! But you could have brought me back in my perfect form.

David: Sorry. I wanted you to earn your right to enhance your genes and awaken your mitochondria, just like everyone else.

Alty: One question, David.

David: Yes?

Alty: You're one of the major leaders, right? Why didn't you enhance yourself.

David: Did I become a leader from being enhanced?

Alty: Good point...

Cell: Hey! I see something up ahead!

Cell pointed forward and both David and Alty looked. They all saw what appeared to be a summoning circle on the ground. Outside the circle was a worm-like monster having a tug-of-war with another one, it's head sticking out of the portal. What cought David's eye was what they were tugging on. It appeared to be a girl's body cought in the mess. David quickly opened a compartment in the gauntlet on his left forearm and scanned one of the busy creatures without it knowing. After a few moments of silence, David closed the compartment.

David: ... I have time to look over it later..!

Cell and Alty were about to charge in and fight the worms, but David drew his steel paddle and ran at them. With two swings, the worm outside the portal fell to two pieces while the other's head was smashed back into the portal. Now that the worms were gone, David finally got a good look at the girl. David took instant notice of the metalic wings and both her arms being guns. He also noticed all the bite-marks, punctures, even an abnormal goo that she appeared to be partially covered in. Cell and Alty approached, also taking notice of the details.

Cell: Whoever this is, she looks pretty dead to me...

David opened the compartment in his gauntlet again, scaning the body.

David: Vital signs... Present...

Alty: Maybe we should bring her back with us...

Cell: Nah, one cybernetic girl on our team is enough!

Alty was amased at what Cell just said.

Alty: W-what are you saying?!

David: Quiet! If we don't do something, this person is going to die.

Cell: Well why don't we just take her to the hospital?

Alty: I don't think that's such a good idea. A rumor has been spreading around about how visitors, patients, even staff members randomly disappearing and never being found.

David: If anyone is going to fix this person, then it might as well be me. I'm one of our best medics, what do I have to loose?

They heard a low hum noise. They looked over at the body, noticing that the weapons and metalic wings vanised.

Cell: Eh, fine. But if she isn't all that powerful, I'm kicking her off the team.

David: Who's in charge of this team, again?

Cell: Grr, alright. But I'm telling you, I probably won't like her as a member...

David lightly picked up the girl, carrying her, and they all went back to they're base. The other Adam and Eve members wondered why they brought back such a person, but none of them asked.

After dismissing Alty and Cell, David decided to go back to his bunker and look over the data he collected on the girl earlier that day. He was both surprised and shocked.

David: ... Interesting... This person is very powerfu... And full of dangerous flaws?!

David then looked over the flaws and was quite shocked. He knew what he had to do after reading off a few in his head.

David: Well, I'm going to have to work on her now... She shouldn't have so many problems... *sigh* And just when I thought aiding her would be as easy as tending to her wounds.

David went to the back of the room and pulled out his extreme medical equipment, an operating table, a few anesthetic tanks, and full life support systems. He then put her on the opperating table. Before opperating, David then went to wash his gauntlets and put on his gas-mask. Putting a mouthpiece connected to the anesthetic tank over her mouth and sticking needles that were connected to the tubes of the life support system into her arms legs and torso, he was now ready to opperate.

David: Well, now or never.

Using the index finger of his gauntlet as a scalpel, he than began his work.


- - 2 DAYS AGO - -

David worked all through the night, annoyed at all the harmful technology that was within the girl.

David: Jeez! How much of this stuff did they think would actually help her?!

He ripped out and tossed aside certain mechanical parts as he said that.

David: Oh well. I'm almost done.

After ripping out all the stuff he thought was harmful, he then scanned the girl again.

David: Hmm... That looks good for now- - Hey, what's this?

Looking through the data, he soon discovered that the scan detected two souls present in the body. He scanned multiple times, but the data came out the same.

David: Interesting...

He was too tired to think much of it. At the moment, he realized that he got rid of the equipment that allowed her to produce her own ammo and energy.

David: Hmm... Well, I still have one of those energy core things that they used on Alty.

He searched around the room for it, finally stumbling on it. After several minutes of trying to make the core produce ammo and high ammounts of energy without any of the bugs the old equipment had, he finally got it to work. Afterwards, he looked at the old data.

David: This isn't going to be as powerful as her old equipment, but atleast it'll function better.

Placing the orb on her, he then pressed a button. The core slowly seemed to asimilate into her. He then realized one more thing.

David: Oh, that's right. I got to close up the wounds.

David then looked into the palm of his gauntlet.

David: Her body will reject it sooner or later, but my blood should repair all of the incisions that those worms and I made.

David always ended surgeries by spilling his own blood into the cuts. His blood allowed wounds to heal, thoughbeit at a slow pace.

David: It will be a few hours...

He took the clawed fingers of his gauntlet and quickly clentched a fist, stabbing into his palm. As blood dripped from his hand and into the girls incisions, a feint steeming noise could be heard. David knew that meant it was working. He then unclentched his fist and watched the palm regenerate, not his but his gauntlet's. He was then reminded of something.

David: Oh yeah. Faust still has some of that stuff that allows matter to rebind and reform after being torn. I should ask if he could apply some of that to this person's clothes... *yawn*... I need some sleep first...

He then went to his bunk and took some of the sheets from it, covering up the girl's body as she was being mended. He then turned off the lights, went to a corner of the room and sat against the wall. He was too tired to care that he still had his gas-mask on and was sitting in blood. He went to sleep, feeling that he had done good.


Everything was black. Her senses seemed to leave her. But then slowly it went white. "Is this trully death?" Chise wondered. But then, she heard a voice. It was Shuji's voice.

Shuji: Chise... Wake up... This isn't the end...

Chise: Shu-chan.. Where are you? I can't see you.

Shuji: Please Chise... Wake up...

Chise: I, I don't understand what you mea- -

Before she could finish, it wen't black again. All her senses returned to her. She was lying on something not particularly soft, but she was covered with sheets. Pulling the sheets off her face, she soon realized that she could hardly make out anything. She knew there could only be one explanation. It was dark. The thought that Shuji was not there almost made her cry. "Was it all a dream?" she wondered. She pondered the situation, debating whether she should just lay there, or look around. And then it hit her that she didn't have any clothes on. She then heard something like knocking at one end of the room. The knocking was followed by two voises, one Chise could obviously tell was female, the other, didn't even sound human to her.

??? (female): Hey David! You awake yet?! How is that one person we found yesturday doing?!

??? (inhuman): Yeah! And are we going to do any missions, today?!

Chise suddenly heard a low grown in the back of the room. Still shaken from the experience she had with the worm-like monsters, Chise sprang up and got as far away from the source of noise as possible, only to realize that the floor was wet with something. She slipped and fell to the ground. Her breathing fastened. She also noticed something that had not been present for along time. Her heart was beating.

??? (female): Is everything going okay in there, David? David?

??? (inhuman): Ah, forget waiting Alty! Let's just let ourselves in.

??? (Alty): But what if- -?

??? (inhuman): This is obviously a test. Why else would he not respond?

??? (Alty): What if he's, um, you know, sleeping?

??? (inhuman): You bore me.

Chise heard a hissing noise coming from a nearby wall. Certain sections of the wall slid open, revealing what looked like (to Chise) an eery, green humanoid and young woman dressed mostly in red and with red hair. Chise panicked. The green being chuckled, not seeming to notice her. the woman covered her mouth with her hands out of shock of the site. Chise was then aware that she was laying in blood and could now see what looked like bits of metal scattered around the room. There was also some medical equipment of sourts sitting around.

Green humanoid: Heheh. I guess you were right, Alty.

The green humanoid pointed to the back of the room. The woman looked into the back of the room, seeming a little less suprised than a second ago. Chise also took a look and saw a man, sprawled against a wall. His outfit was mostly blue and white. A gas-mask obscured his face, but she could tell that he had white hair. His most noticable feature was what looked like semi-massive, clawed mechanical arms. He was stained with the blood that was everywhere. The man was breathing. "Atleast he is not dead..." Thought Chise.

Alty: Oh, I see what he did. He worked on saving this person all throughout the night. Ah, this brings back memories...

Green humanoid: You can reminisence, later.

The green humanoid appeared to fly at the almost motionless man, picking him up by his shirt collar and shaking him.

Chise: (Am I dreaming right now?)

Cell: David! DAVID! This is Cell! Wake up!

David: Mhmm... Ugh...

Cell: Oh good, it's alive! Now can you explain to us what's going on here?!

Alty: Excuse us for our rude behavior, David.

David groaned.

David: ... You're both excused. Now please put me down, Cell.

Cell dropped David. David almost fell on his face.

Re-aware that she didn't have clothes on, Chise covered herself out of embarassment, especially trying to cover the mark on her chest. Alty decided to lend a hand to help Chise back up.

Alty: It's okay. We aren't going to hurt you.

Chise hesitated.

Chise: Where are my clothes?

David, who was only starting to wake up, started explaining for everyone.

David: When we found you, you were a wreck. We felt like it would have been bad to leave you there and die.

Cell: What do you mean "we?"

Alty: Quiet Cell! Oh, don't mind Cell. He's just really inconsiderate.

Alty gave Cell a cold look. Cell shrugged.

David: Anyway, as I was saying. So we took you back, and, overnight, I fixed you up and more.

Chise: And more?!

David: What I mean by that is, while scanning your data, I discovered many flaws in your system. And, as you can tell, I ripped out all the stuff that caused such defects. But, as a result, you are less powerful than you were before and have much fewer features.

Cell: You mean this thing used to be more powerful before? What did you do to it, David?

Chise felt like someone else was speaking for her.

Chise (???): Idiot! Don't EVER refer to Chise as an object!

Cell leered at Chise. Chise covered her mouth out of surprise.

Chise: I'm sorry!

Everyone was confused with what just happened. David recalled to last night.

David: No no, it's not your fault. Oh, I also have to mention... My scans reavealed that there are two souls present in your body. Your's and someone elses.

Chise: Huh?

David: I don't know how to explain how it works, but according to my scans...

Chise: But how can that be..?

Chise then thought of Shuji and how she sounded alot like him when she yelled at Cell.

Chise: ... Oh, I think I got it...

David: Also, because of all the changes to your body and systems,  also added a few more things. You need less maintenance and have only one health risk.

Chise: What might that be?

David: Overusing your weapons and systems will become physically draining over time now. You can regain your endurance over time, but please, don't over exert yourself.

Chise: O... okay.

Cell muttered under his breath.

Cell: You really did it this time, Aura...

David: And about your clothes. First off, they would have got in the way of the operation. And second of all, they're torn to shreds. I know someone named "Faust" who, even though he is a much better docter than I could ever be, also has some materials that could solve your clothing problems once and for all.

Chise: So what am I suppose to do?

David went into the back of his bunker and grabbed Chise's tattered clothes. He then removed his gas-mask, allowing Chise to get a good look at his face. His face seemed calm for the most part, except for his crimson red eyes that seemed to gleam as if focusing on an unspoken priority.

David: Oh, where are my mannors. What is your name?

Chise: ... Chise... I'm sorry, I should have told you guys first.

David: Nah, it's okay... Alty, stay here and keep Chise company. Cell, come with me.

Cell: Can't you just dismiss me for right now? I don't want to go talk to Faust.

David: I know how much you dislike Faust... But today is going to be eventful. Plus it's not like you have anything better to do, anyway...

Cell cursed under his breath. David and Cell left. Alty handed her hand out again, offering to help Chise up. Chise took her hand and slowly stood up. Alty then helped Chise to the medical bed, handing her the sheets. After wrapping herself in them, Chise sat on the bed.

Alty: So, tell me about yourself. Why do you have weapons? And mechanical wings?

Chise: That's... That's a long story... Sorry...

Alty: Oh... I got it...

Chise: So, where am I? Are you guys aliens or later generations of future survivors or..? What are you?

Alty had a blank look on her face. She slowly smiled, trying to hold her laughter. She then started laughing histerically.

Alty: Oh, those are some good ones! Sorry, I haven't laughed in a long time!

Chise felt someone take control again.

Chise (???): What makes you think she is joking?!

Alty stopped laughing. Chise felt bad again.

Chise: Ah, Sorry!

Alty blinked twice, remembering what David said.

Alty: It must be... Hard living, knowing that someone else is part of you...

Chise started to recognise what her tone of voice sounded like when she lost control of herself.

Chise: I think I know who it is...

Chise blushed. Alty got a wierd smile on her face.

Alty: Ah, someone very close to you, eh?

Chise quickly nodded. Alty laughed, and they continued to talk.


David and Cell returned with Chise's clothes, no longer tattered. David walked over to Chise.

David: Here you are...

David handed Chise her clothes.

David: You also need not worry about them tearing ever again. The fabrics will pull themselves back together.

Chise: ... Thank you...

David: Anyway, put them back on. I want to test something. Don't worry, Cell and I will leave.

They left, just like he said they would. Chise put her clothes on and was ascorted by Alty out of David's bunker. They found David and Cell outside and they all followed David. After a few minutes, Alty knew where David was taking them.

Alty: Oh, I see. You want to see Chise's new power put to the test to make sure nothing went wrong.

Cell: What do you mean "Power?" According to David she has less than before.

David: One must get use to changes the self. Whatever she may do, I want her to be able to defend herself. There have been a whole lot of wierd occurances recentl- -

Cell: I know that! But this all seems to be a waste of time! I didn't need to go through this after Gill revived me!

Alty: Well, you're not Chise. Also, stop bringing up the fact that she has less power than earlier. According to you, you were once more powerful too. Why constantly down someone that is going through what you are?

Cell: Hmph, I doubt it! Like she's ever died!

Chise felt like saying something, but she was afraid that would anger Cell.

David: Quiet you to... We're almost there...

Chise: Where are we going, anyway?

As soon as she said that, Chise noticed that they were heading to a large area, the words "Simulation Room" flashed on and off over-head.

David: I want to see you fight. I also want to see if my opperation was a total success.

As they entered, the light turned on.

Alty: Sheesh. You'd expect this place to have a few more people using it at the moment.

David: Nevermind that. Chise, you see the pods?

How could she not? The chambers were all over the room. She slowly nodded.

Chise: Uh-huh...

David: I want you to enter one of them.

Chise: Uh... Okay.

As Chise approached one of the pods, it opened. Chise then crawled inside. The pod closed on her. It was dark. Chise started getting afraid, and then sleepy. When she dozed off, she found herself at a artificial looking place with a wide open space, dozens of rectangular objects surounded the open space. Chise felt as if she were being watched. She then heard David's voice echo throughout the area.

David: Okay. This simulation is simple: eliminate all targets.

Chise looke around, only noticing the rectangular structures.

Chise: What, you mean those things?

David: ... No...

Chise: Sorry.

David: It's not the structures, rather, it's what's lurking around the structures.

As David said that, insect-like reptilian creatures, appearing to be composed of metal and seemingly bling, jumped out from all sides. Chise felt like she knew what she had to do. But there was a problem. She didn't spontainiously transform from the monsters showing up. As they closed in, she desperatly thought of transforming. She transformed, with less pain than normal.

David: Remember that this simulation also simulates pain. Getting hurt here won't truly hurt you... But you will still feel it.

Chise braced herself, knowing that she would have to consentrate to be able to do anything.

Posted by onryou236 at 5:58 PM
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